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  • I Gained 590 Followers on 𝕏…The Power of Intention

I Gained 590 Followers on 𝕏…The Power of Intention

Overcome burnout and supercharge your content

I struggled with content recently. 

Not that the creative juices aren’t flowing. It was a desire to change things up. 

Mainly because I was listening to others. I’d hear:

  • Question posts don’t count.

  • Platitudes are trash.

  • Long form rules.

But, I felt I was gaining momentum by posting questions and testing different things. 

There I was at a crossroads. 

I was burnt out. 

Managing a content strategy, a 9 to 5, and a family was becoming too much.

Feeling like I had to fit a certain mode made my đť•Ź experience stale.

I had enough. Quitting was becoming appealing. 

More time with family. Less nights working on content and goals. 

I could take it easy and just go back to autopilot. 

The holiday season compounded my burnt feeling. Constant running around added to the burden. 

After the new year, I tested new content types. Got away from the posts I enjoyed creating. Some yielded some new angles and felt right, but it didn’t scratch the itch. 

I even rebranded and did everything in black. I was on a straight path to become a copycat guru.

Fully focused on mimicking Dan Koe or Dakota Robertson. It wasn’t me. 

I was lost.

However, something shifted last week. I decided to stop listening to everyone.

I decided to get intentional in my content.

My decisions would shape my brand. It’s personal for a reason. 

So I went back to what I enjoyed. Started posting questions, doubled down on platitudes, and increased in testing different post types. 

Of course, I don’t see a value in posting nothing but questions and platitudes. However, If used well the momentum can be used to create engagement on the greater value posts. 

More on that later. 

I even rebranded again. This time with a red color scheme. Attempting to create a look that I enjoyed. 

Screw what it’s supposed to be. 

Surprisingly to me, I received a lot of support for the rebrand. 

After going back to posting what I wanted. My impressions increased over 200%.

Doing what I enjoy is the whole point of creating. 

Do what you want. 

Don’t get bogged down by what everyone says you're supposed to do.

Question Post Masterclass

How I used to question posts to boost engagement, impressions, and followers. 


Take time to create questions that resonate with your audience. 

Do this by taking a basic idea and expanding on it. 

The basic idea that came recently was recharging. 

I wanted to touch on it because I planned to post on Sunday. 


I started brain dumping ideas.

First iteration: 

Have you discovered a unique self-care routine that truly rejuvenates your mind, body, and spirit, and if so, what does it involve?

Clearly too long to get any engagement. 

Keyed in more on the recharging aspect. 

What recharging ritual that revitalizes either mind, body, and spirit have you found?

Still feels clunky. 


I use ChatGPT with some adjustments to shorten it and make it more concise. (Instead of rewriting over and over.)

Final version: 

What’s your go-to ritual for recharging mind, body, spirit?

The post got about 20,000 impressions and over 200 comments. 

But we aren’t done. 


I was able to go through the comments on this post and all my content this week and began engaging. 

I’d jump over to the page of someone who commented and if they had decent content, I’d engage. 

I added 98 followers in the last week using the strategy. Also, added some cool connections along the way. 

If you are feeling burnt out, get back to the basics. 

Create what you enjoy and don’t overthink it. 

Thanks for reading,

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