Self Acceptance Changes Everything

How accepting your circumstances is the best way to change

Acceptance Changes Everything

Have you ever spoken to someone who claimed to know all about a topic?

But when they opened their mouth to share it only left you confused?

That persons behavior is the epitome of a high ego with a low acceptance of reality.

So how can we accept our reality without being negative.

How can we use our reality and self awareness to improve our lives?

Let’s dive in.

One of the most underrated skills in life is self awareness. But a close kin to that skill is self acceptance. When we are overweight or we have unhealthy eating habits, it’s easy to not want to look in the mirror. It’s much easier to not even think about it and give yourself an occasional “I need to lose weight” pep talk.

But that doesn’t help you. It keeps you in autopilot and gives you a strange pass of sorts.

What will help is admitting to the reality of the situation. Just by taking an hour to think about yourself and life you can find some answers. Asking questions like:

Why am I so overweight?

Why am I eating so much?

Sounds silly right?

But this is the best place to start because now you can begin solving this problem.

People run from diet to diet, fad to fad, guru to guru, and program to program. But little do they know it’s all in the mind. The reason none of that is working is because of the lack of self acceptance and self awareness.

When we accept where we are we can accept where we are not. Then we can begin accepting where we want to be as well as why we are not there yet.

This is much harder than you think. It involves a ton of vulnerability and brutal honesty most people would rather not have to practice.

So here’s what you need to do:

  1. Accept your reality

  2. Face your reality

  3. Ask questions to yourself

  4. Start developing answers

  5. Take control from autopilot

  6. Begin making lasting changes

Do these things and you will see changes manifest in your life very quickly.

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